Our Story
Who are we ?
Creator and manufacturer of fixings for all trades since 1985
Born an inventor, François Inglese founded I.N.G. Fixations in 1985 with the aim of commercialising the unique I.N.G. procedure (‘Installation Nouvelle de Gonds’ – new pintle fitting procedure), which enables shutter pintles to be fitted in resin. Before the success of this new fitting method, Inglese decided to produce shutter pintles in-house and thereby position I.N.G. Fixations as a fully-fledged manufacturer..
Always driving a policy of innovation, supported by and thanks to the confidence of his distributors, François Inglese and his team have been committed to listening to craftspeople so as to meet their needs and create more effective products for over 35 years now (see the timeline below). The launch of the FIX-RING in 1997 resulted in the company receiving several awards (‘Trophée de l'innovation Haute-Loire’ – innovation award), Award for Innovation in Technology from Harvard Business School and ‘Trophée INPI de l'innovation’ – INPI Innovation Award etc.)
Today, I.N.G. Fixations is a family business evolving over time with its staff who work hard every day to propose solutions that meet market requirements as closely as possible.

Our Story
Key facts and figures
Production capacity
Production sites

The company set up in the Puy en Velay factory (5000 m2) in 1991 and opened the second production site in the city of Monistrol-sur-Loire in France (5000 m2) in 2000.
All the teams at I.N.G. Fixations (production, packaging, order picking, procurement, marketing and finance) are at your service every day
A tailored service
staff members

A strong regional link
years of collaborating with ESAT

I.N.G. Fixations has worked with ESAT (Etablissement et Service d'Aide par le Travail – vocational rehabilitation centre) for over 25 years now.
Today this involves collaborating with over one-hundred people across the five ESAT in the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region as well as two teams integrated into the very heart of the production areas of each site.
17 exclusive technical sales representatives led by two commercial directors operate throughout the country as well as French Overseas Departments and Territories.
Commercial relations

Constant shipments
Average number of orders

Average number of orders sent per day in France and for export abroad.
Number of distributors
A large network

I.N.G fixations around the world

You can find I.N.G abroad – our products are exported to over 30 countries around the world.